Butterfly Bhutan


One man confronts a religious custom that had become a threat to nature, creating a ripple effect in the Bhutanese society.


In Bhutan, a devoutly Buddhist country, people hoist flags to pray for good souls. However, the traditional practice has become a danger to nature. Once, locals put cloth flags on mature tall trees. But now, they frequently string plastic ones to saplings, harming branches and the surroundings. Realizing the damage caused by uninformed people, one older man started removing the prayer flags. Unfortunately, stern religious believers often perceive his conduct as blasphemy. Being a pious Buddhist, he struggles to find a way for religion and the environment to coexist.

Director: Sonam Yangzom
Producer: Tamotsu  Matsubara
Executive producer: Ken-ichi IMAMURA
Production status: Production
Completion schedule: 28 min. version: Completed. / 75 min. version : Development

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/790708171
PW: bhutan5050